• Counseling

    University Schools adheres to the philosophy that the school counseling program is a fundamental part of the total educational process. We built our program on the belief that academic, career, civic, and personal goals are attainable for all students when we integrate it into the total educational experience.

    Important Links: 

    UH Counseling Website

    Advisor Change Request 2024-2025

    Schedule Change Request 2024-2025 


    High School

    We offer individual support on an as needed basis. Reasons to see the school counselor could include academic planning, relationships, planning for your future, family issues, problems with other students, and finding community resources to help with a variety of needs.

    Abbey Farnsworth
    High School Counselor - Students with last names A - J

    Schedule an Appointment 

    Rebecca Behrman
    High School Counselor - Students with last names K - Z

    (970) 506-7078



    Schedule an Appointment